Published: 22/12/2024

I know none of you are gonna read this intro, cuz you all wanna skip to the “juicy part”, but before you do that, I'd like to write here some important things I'd like you to know...


If you are not familiar with who we are and what we do, we help riders get in shape for riding and racing dirtbikes.

At the time of creating this guide, we have helped over 200+ riders get in shape and got 68 podium victories last season.

With full transparency, this guide isn't free for no reason. We have something to sell you. We are giving away a portion of our “secret - sauce” to provide you with some actual value and to build trust with you, so you can become our next client, and ultimately become a better, faster and stronger rider.

Thank you very much for checking out this guide, I hope you'll find a lot of value here that will help you become a better rider.

Now to the juicy part ;)

Step 1: Fix Your Mind

Let's be real here. Do you know why winners actually win?

*drum roll*

Because they are action takers.

They are not scared to get up at 5 a.m. to go running at a snow storm.

They don't waste time.

They get in, do the job and move to the next one.

They know that in order to get to a certain goal, there are things that need to be done.

So they get them done.

There are no NOs, IFs, BUTs or MAYBEs.

They just get the shit done.

And if you wanna become the best, you gotta do the same. Put the emotions aside, and do what needs to be done.

You know you gotta go to the gym, you know you gotta go running, but there is always some kind of excuse that prevents you from doing it...

F@ck excuses.

Winners don't deal with them.

Get them outa your head.

Fix your mind –> take action –> become a winner.

90% Of Winning Comes From Preparation

It's not the bike, it's not the luck.

It's the rider.

Prioritise Fitness Training Before You focus On Technique & Speed Training

When you are in shape, mastering technique and getting faster becomes much easier and much more natural, because you have balance, strength and stamina to actually be able to practice.

However, if you're out of shape, you'll struggle with technique, have high risk of crashing and getting injured and have absolutely no fun riding – there is no point in even riding at all.

3 Phases Of Fitness Training For Motocross Rider

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Phase 1: Foundation

Building Your Cardiovascular Base

This phase is usually right in the start of the off-season.

Our main goal is to build a solid cardio vascular endurance A.K.A. Aerobic Base.

FORMULA: Low Intensity x High Volume

This is why you see PROs do tone of (Zone 2 cardio) => running, cycling, rowing, swimming, etc...

This is the single most important phase of the training, because if your aerobic base sucks, you can't progress.

Phase 2: Metabolic Training

High Intensity Interval Training

This phase usually starts 1 - 2 months before your season starts. Goal is to train your body to recover fast, and lower your heart rate as quick as possible. And we still continue with steady pace cardio as well.

You can't ride at MAX Heart Rate whole race, thats why it's important.

FORMULA: Spike your heart rate up, let it recover a bit and repeat.

This is usually done in the gym with circuit crossfit training.

Side benefit: If you do the right workouts which have exercises specifically chosen for MX riders, you can gain strength, stability and balance at the same time.

This will improve the feel on the bike dramatically.

Phase 3: Maintaining Phase

Switching Focus From Fitness Back To Technique & Speed Training

At this point, you are in shape.

You've put in the work and you got the results.

Now it's time to maintain the fitness level you've reached and translate it into riding. This phase starts at the same time as your season starts.

FORMULA: Workouts are not as intense anymore and we don't do them as often, so we can focus more on riding.

Now you can fully focus on bike training and, use the stamina, strength and balance you've built to your advantage.

Stretching and Recovery is key.


There is one more thing that I wanna cover here:


Without consistency, you won't get anywhere.

Why do you think PROs are so successful?

Because the are consistent with their training, they follow a plan, they know exactly what to do each day and what they need to work on.

If you ask any PRO rider how did he get so fast, none of them will tell you: “Oooops, I just woke up and I became a champion.”

They've consistently followed a plan and they've put a lot of work in. If you wanna get better, you gotta do the same.

All you need is a plan to follow, so you no longer have to think about what to do next and so you don't miss a day.